Platform for Architectural Transfers in the Indian Ocean rim
About  |  


PATIO is an independent trans-national network of scholars working on the histories of transfer of knowledge, materials, and labour relating to architecture and construction across the Indian Ocean Rim. Through its two programs, namely PATIO Conversations and PATIO Collaborations, it aims to connect Early Career Researchers possessing local or regional expertise with each other and with the global scholarly landscape.

It is registered as a “Charitable Society” under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 under Registration No. Pune/0000107/2024.


Saptarshi Sanyal
Sarah Melsens
(General Secretary)
Catherine Desai
(Vice President)
Ishita Shah



Amit Srivastava
Peter Scriver
Gauri Bharat

Priya Jain
Deepa Ramaswamy
Yakin Kinger

Sonali Dhanpal



Individual member: Any individual who desires to further the objectives of
the society and participates in at least one PATIO activity per annum.
Subscription to the newsletter is sufficient as registration for individual
membership. This also includes all members taking up active roles including
research fellows.
Institutional member: An educational institution or organization which
commits to long-term engagement with PATIO under one or more thematic
umbrellas of its PATIO Collaborations program. Institutional members
appoint researchers from amongst their academic staff to become PATIO
research fellows and ensure that research fellows are granted a minimum
amount of time exclusively for research.        

Patron member:  Any individual or institution who has donated an
amount to the society to further its cause shall be entitled to patron
membership of the society.

Supported by

Disclaimer: This networking initiative is partly funded by the European Union (Grant No 101108229). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.